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Cracking the Code: Understanding Obviousness Challenges and the Motivation to Combine Prior Art

  • 08.09.2023

By Babak Akhlaghi on August 8, 2023. The Federal Circuit reversed the Board’s non-obviousness finding, holding that the key question in obviousness determination is whether a skilled artisan would be motivated to combine different references to achieve the claimed invention not the references.  Axonics, Inc. […]


Transcend Abstract Concepts: A Comprehensive Understanding of Patent Eligibility

  • 07.28.2023

By Babak Akhlaghi on July 28, 2023. The Federal Circuit upheld a decision of the district court that claims directed to poll based networking system are not patent eligible. Trinity Info Media, LLC v. Covalent, Inc., Case No. 22-1308 (Fed. Cir. July 14, 2023) (Stoll, […]


Co-Inventor’s Triumph: Federal Circuit Affirms Contribution to Hose Patents

  • 07.20.2023

By Babak Akhlaghi on July 20, 2023. The Federal Circuit upheld a decision of the district court to amend inventorship, determining that the alleged co-inventor made significant contributions to the conception of at least one claim in each contested patent. Blue Gentian, LLC v. Tristar […]


Joint Inventorship – Understanding the Meat and Potatoes of Invention Contributions

  • 07.17.2023

In a reversal of the district court’s decision, the Federal Circuit determined that an alleged inventor, who was not named in the patent application, did not qualify as a joint inventor. This was due to the alleged inventor’s contribution being deemed too insignificant when considered […]


From Lightbulbs to Billions: The Incredible Power of Patents

  • 07.07.2023

By Babak Akhlaghi on July 7, 2023. Are you curious about the power of patents? In this video, we’ll explore how patent damage awards can reach jaw-dropping amounts. Take a look at the five largest patent damage awards in 2022: you won’t believe what they […]


Making Sense of the Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2023

  • 06.30.2023

By Babak Akhlaghi on June 30, 2023. The Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2023 proposes several findings by Congress. Among these is the assertion that the U.S. Supreme Court and other courts have established judicial exceptions to the language of the existing patent eligibility section […]


Analogous References: the Same Field or Problem Domain as the Invention

  • 06.16.2023

By Babak Akhlaghi on June 16, 2023 The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has overturned the Patent Trial & Appeal Board’s determination of obviousness, stating that a prior art reference concerning automotive engine parts is not analogous to the challenged patent, which […]


Unruly Distribution: Meeting 101 Conditions in Computer-related Claims

  • 05.22.2023

In Sanderling Management Ltd. vs. Snap, Inc., the Federal Circuit held that a method for using distribution rules to load digital image branding functions to users when certain conditions are met are not patent eligible under 101.  The claim in question recited: 1. A computerized […]


The Grammar Secret: the Article “a” Still Signifies ‘One or More,’ but Requires a Single Component Executing All Functions”

  • 05.02.2023

In Salazar v. AT&T Mobility LLC, the Federal Circuit held that the wording “a microprocessor” does not require there to be only one microprocessor in an open ended claim; however, subsequent limitations referring to “said microprocessor” require at least one microprocessor to be capable of […]


Federal Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Patent Claims Failing Alice Two-Step Test

  • 04.15.2023

Hawk Technology Systems, LLC sued Castle Retail, LLC for patent infringement based on Castle Retail’s use of security surveillance video operations in its grocery stores. Hawk Tech. Sys., LLC v. Castle Retail, LLC, Case No. 22-1222 (Fed. Cir. Feb. 17, 2023) (Reyna, Hughes, Cunningham, JJ.) […]
