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Navigating Uncharted Waters: Evaluating Patentability in Multiple Dependent Claims

  • 02.24.2023

Nested Bean, Inc. (“Petitioner”) filed a Petition (Paper 1, “Pet.”) requesting inter partes review of claims 1-18 of U.S. Patent No. 9,179,711 B2 (Ex. 1001, “the ‘711 patent”). Claims 1 and 2 of the ‘711 patent are independent, and claims 3-16 are multiple dependent claims […]


Inventors Under the Patent Act

  • 02.06.2023

In Thaler v. United States Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal Circuit affirmed the lower court’s ruling that the Patent Act requires an “inventor” to be a natural person. The sole issue on appeal was whether an AI software system can be an inventor under […]


Disclaimer Don’t Stick in an IPR

  • 01.04.2023

CUPP Computing AS (“CUPP”) appeals three inter partes review (“IPR”) decisions of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“Board”) concluding that petitioner Trend Micro Inc. had shown challenged claims in CUPP’s U.S. Patents Nos. 8,631,488 (“’488 patent”), 9,106,683 (“’683 patent”), and 9,843,595 (“’595 patent”) unpatentable […]


Common Law Collateral Estoppel Applies to Board’s decisions

  • 03.08.2021

In SYNQOR, INC., v. VICOR CORPORATION, No. 19-1704 (Feb. 22, 2021), the Court held that common law collateral estoppel, also know as issue preclusion, applies to Board’s decisions in inter partes reexaminations. The ‘190 patent issued July 4, 2006, with a family of patents that […]


The Sole Test for Anticipation in Design Patents is the “Ordinary Observer Test”

  • 02.25.2021

In MOJAVE DESERT HOLDINGS, LLC, v. CROCS, INC., No. 20-1167 (Feb. 18, 2021), the Court upheld the Board’s finding that the prior art reference failing to show key surfaces in the asserted design patent cannot anticipate it. Crocs owned U.S. Patent No. D517,789 (the ‘798 […]


USPS Seeks a Patent for a Blockchain-Based Mail-in Voting System

  • 12.03.2020

The United States Postal Service (“USPS”) is seeking a patent protection for a more secure vote by mail system. In its recent patent publication, the USPS describes that its voting system is secured by using a blockchain to record data regarding the mailed in votes […]


One Key Lesson from Dropbox Losing on 3 Key Patents

  • 10.08.2020

In Dropbox Inc., Ornicus Holdings, LLC v. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc., No. 19-1765 (Fed. Cir., Jun 19, 2020), the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit heard an appeal on patent eligibility of three patents, providing a non-precedential but insightful opinion on proper construction of […]


Claims Directed to a Network Packet Monitor Held Patent Eligible

  • 08.14.2020

In Packet Intelligence LLC v. Netscout Systems, Inc., No. 19-2041 (Fed. Cir., July 14, 2020) the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit upheld the patent-eligibility of a network packet monitor, finding its claims directed to non-abstract subject matter in light of details included […]


An Artificial Intelligence (AI) System Is Not Eligible to be an Inventor

  • 08.07.2020

On April 22, 2020 the US Patent and Trademark Office ruled that Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are not eligible to be an Inventor, which the USPTO rules is limited to natural persons. Let’s get into it.  On July 29, 2019, an Artificial Inventor Project (AIP, […]


A Broad Claim Directed to an Addition of a Data Field to a Communication Message Held Patent Eligible

  • 08.05.2020

In Uniloc USA, INC. v. LG Electronics USA, INC., No. 19-1835 (Fed. Cir., April 30, 2020), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held patent eligible a claim directed a communications system including a primary station (e.g., personal computer 100) and a secondary […]
