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Happy New Year!

  • 12.31.2020

Wishing you all happy holidays and a healthy new year!


Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights – Part 1

  • 12.16.2020

In this video, we’re going to provide a brief introduction to intellectual property rights with a particular focus on copyrights. Please make sure you stay until the end of this video, where we’ll share a tip on how to protect your copyright.


Hats off to the American inventor, Mr. Garrett Brown

  • 12.08.2020

Hats off to the American inventor, Mr. Garrett Brown, for inventing Steadicam (below left) more than 40 years ago, which revolutionized the movie making industry. It allowed a camera operator to run with the camera while the camera remained completely stabilized – something that was […]


$1.9 Billion Patent Judgment

  • 11.13.2020

In Centripetal Networks, Inc.  v. Cisco Systems, Inc., No. 2:18cv94 (District Ct., October 5, 2020), the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia awarded to a cybersecurity startup, Centripetal Networks, one of the largest patent damages in history, $1.9 billion, for willful and […]


Congratulations to 2020 Patents for Humanity Winners!

  • 08.26.2020

Today, the United States Patent and Trademark Office announced the 2020 Patents for Humanity winners. These are innovators who invented groundbreaking technologies to meet global humanitarian crises.  And, the winners are:  “Global Vision 2020 (Maryland), for developing the USee Vision Kit, used to provide prescription […]


USPTO Report: Increasing Participation of Women in the U.S. Innovation Ecosystem

  • 07.21.2020

Today’s USPTO report provides insights into the participation of women in the U.S. innovation ecosystem.  It specifically shows the women-inventor-rate is increasing in the U.S. It is wonderful to see that the partnership between the USPTO and the private sector and academia to increase diversity […]


June 25: Free webinar on oral advocacy before the PTAB

  • 06.24.2020

Interested in fine tuning your oral advocacy skills before the PTAB? The webinar tomorrow looks like a great way to do this. In my 15 years of practice, I have had to only go once before the Board for an oral argument. It was an […]


Does licensing of your invention trigger an on-sale bar?

  • 04.26.2020

April 26, 2020 Does licensing of your invention trigger an on-sale bar?  The short answer is no.  The licensing agreement covering the invention normally does not trigger the on-sale bar.  On-sale bar is limitation on patentability.  It provides that the invention cannot be patented if […]


NovoTech Cares: We’re Supporting Small Businesses During COVID-19

  • 04.03.2020

Small businesses are suffering significantly, but should not be forced to compromise their intellectual property as a result of this virus.  To do our part in supporting innovators and small businesses during this difficult time, from now until the end of 2020, we are offering […]


USPTO announces extension of certain patent deadlines under CARE Act

  • 04.03.2020

USPTO is providing much needed relief to the patent applicants affected by the coronavirus. The relief includes extension of various patent related deadlines falling between March 27, 2020 and April 30, 2020. For now, the extension is only for 30 days.
